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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Welcome to the nursery...

Happy 22 weeks!   With only 18 short weeks to go, the impatient Fryes decided it was time to decorate the nursery :)  We just couldn't wait any longer!  As I mentioned previously, we knew we wanted some old Americana mixed with America's favorite past time, baseball.  And, as Billy told me, the Red Sox and Fenway park are baseball.  I think what got me really excited was receiving an email from a new co-worker of mine with a Fenway-inspired nursery photo she found online.  Check this out...

My favorite part of this nursery, besides the fantastic green monster-painted custom cabinetry with those bright white knobs, are the two stadium seats in the back near the glider chair.  You can actually buy Fenway stadium seats online.  This is a little out of our budget, but wow...what a great idea!  Dad can hang out and eat Cracker Jack and drink beer while mom nurses :)  After doing a little more research, turns out this nursery belonged to a former Red Sox player, found in the $3.1 million dollar penthouse he was selling when he traded teams and had to leave Boston.  Too bad his penthouse is a little out of our budget, too ;-)

After seeing this, I knew it was time to get serious and start building the nursery of our dreams for lil' fryebaby.  First, we needed to find the nursery furniture basics...crib, dresser, changing table, and rocker/glider.  We decided to go with white furniture and a grey chair so that this furniture could be re-purposed for more fryebabies to come, and work well for girls and boys alike.  We decided not to go with a convertible (3-in-one, or even 4-in-one) crib, knowing that we really just needed a sturdy crib that will survive many teething kiddos and terrible-2 toddlers.  Keeping the nursery furniture in the nursery also allows us to upgrade our little guy when his little brother or little sister come along and he gets booted out of the nursery and into his "big boy" room.  As for the dresser and changing table, we decided on an extra wide dresser that provided TONS of storage, as well as featured a removable "changing table topper".  We're planning on this dresser lasting for many, many years and wanted to spend our money on a good one that we really loved.  I still have my dad's childhood dresser that he passed down to me (in our guest bedroom) I was looking for something that would last just the same.

Finding the chair was the hardest part...and I'm still not sure we've actually found the perfect chair.  I'm going out on a limb on this purchase and buying a chair that I've never sat in before!  As most of you know, I worked at Crate&Barrel last year and am very partial to their furniture and the high quality American-made construction.  C&B's sister company, Land of Nod (, sells children's furniture and nursery decor that is just so darn adorable.  Sadly, their closest store is in Chicago (road trip anyone?!?), meaning I can't touch or feel anything before purchasing.  We picked out a swivel glider with a tight back (meaning no loose cushion), which is my favorite kind of chair.  I think it will be easy to get in and out of, and the rolled arms should be very comfortable for nursing, cuddling, and flirting with my little man.  They will send us a swatch of the fabric before they finalize the order, so at least we can be confident that the color and material will be just right!  Fingers crossed!!!

Once the crib, dresser, and chair were behind us, it was time to move on to the decor!  Here's a collage I put together today to help you feel like you were with us as we shopped this weekend.  And, of course, the collage features a scaled floor plan of the nursery so you know where each and every item will be's as though you're here with us!

My favorite part about this nursery is how easy it is to find great pieces to complement the items purchased already.  None of it is "baby-ish" and finding red, white, or blue decor can be done anywhere, not just at Buy Buy Baby or Babies R' Us.  In fact, you almost can't find this sort of stuff at those stores, making me confident that his nursery will be one-of-a-kind.  Hopefully he'll love it as much as we do and take this stuff to his college dorm one day ;-) hahah  If not, Billy already has dibs on the baseball lamp and big 3D Boston B for his office at work.

In other updates, since I was delinquent during Week 21, check out the growing baby bump.  Minimal change, I suppose...maybe a little more pokey-outy.

And, just to make sure we don't forget about our first lil' furrbaby, check out this fun pic of Skylar.  Can't wait for her to be a big sister!

(Can we just stop for one moment and appreciate how color-coordinated this entire post is?  Americana nursery, red/white/blue jean bump photo, and "America's gentleman" breed in her tuxedo on a red leather ottoman.  wow....)

Since dinner is almost ready, I must sign-off for now.  Special thanks to my mom for coming up to see us this weekend and helping make all of the above nursery fun possible.  In the spirit of the nursery theme, we went to see the Nats game on Friday afternoon and experienced one of America's favorite past times' true realities...getting hit by a foul ball!  While enjoying food and drinks with our hosts on the terrace, Mom's hand was struck by a foul ball head on.  She was a trooper and made the experience all the more memorable.  Worst part, though...we didn't even get to keep the ball!  It hit Mom's hand, then mine, and bounced to the table next to us where a dad snatched it up and gave it to his kid.  Lesson foul balls for this lil' fryebaby unless he takes the heat!

Future posts to look forward to...

-Registering for gifts at baby about overwhelming!
-Fun stories from our upcoming trip to Beantown!!
-Week 23 updates

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