Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Halfway there!

Hello family & friends! 

This is my first official blog post ever...tah dah!  What better reason to start a blog than the upcoming arrival of our very own "fryebaby"!  As most of you probably have heard, we are expecting small Frye to join us just after the Thanksgiving holiday on Monday, December 2nd!  I will be 20 weeks along on Monday (halfway there), which is when our next ultrasound is scheduled.  We hope to find out the gender of the baby during this visit.  I'd always assumed pre-pregnancy that I wouldn't want to find out the sex in advance of its birth, but ever since finding out we were pregnant, I've been dying to know!  I can't wait to start decorating, choosing a theme for the nursery, shopping for cute clothes, etc.  I'm also anxious to only have to think about potential names for a boy or a girl, and not both.  I think naming the child has been the most stressful part yet...which goes to show you that I've been extremely blessed with an easy pregnancy so far.

Pre-gender reveal, we have started collecting some baby stuff from our friends and family, mostly all second-hand good stuff...swings, play mats, an ergobaby carrier (, gender neutral clothes (including an adorable snow suit!), and even something called a "mamaroo" (check it out:  Our best find yet is a second-hand car seat and stroller combo...for way less than we'd pay retail new.  Everything is in the nursery-to-be and I smile every time I walk past the room and see all the fun baby stuff piling up.  It's starting to feel more and more "real" every day.

I plan on commencing the week-by-week "bump" photos next week, so you can visit the blog and check out the progress.  I'll also post any ultrasound photos so you can check out fryebaby in the making.  According to the BabyBump app on my phone, we are 19 weeks and the baby is 6 inches long, about the size of an heirloom tomato.  I haven't been able to feel the baby yet...but I'm told the "flutters" will begin soon.  Can't wait to interrupt a meeting at work to yell out "OMG!  My baby's moving!".

Before I officially publish my first ever blog post, I thought I would mention my current "to do" it and let me know what I'm forgetting or if you have any insight on any of my action items:

-Find / Contact a Pediatrician
-Ask my doctor about fetal monitoring during labor, if I'm allowed to bring props to the delivery room (like a birthing ball), how many people are allowed in the delivery room, and discuss my birth plan
-Sign-up for prenatal yoga class (check!  Just signed up for my first class this Saturday in Reston, VA at Beloved Yoga...check it out...
-Start a gift registry...or at least figure out where I want to be registered
-Take a tour of the hospital (Inova Fairfax is where we'll deliver the baby:
-Visit the daycare center where we put down a deposit (Winwood Daycare in Brambleton)
-Research cloth vs. disposable diapers
-Sign up for birth classes, breast feeding class, and infant CPR class
-Call our favorite painter and get him scheduled to come paint the house & the nursery in October or November
-Figure out what we're supposed to be doing regarding health insurance, creating a will, and all that other complicated stuff when you bring a new life into this world.

Can't wait to post next week and reveal the gender!  Let's hope the baby cooperates on Monday and shows off his or her "stuff"!

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