Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's a BOY!

Well, if you haven't heard already, we found out on Monday that we're having a little baby BOY!  Billy and I are so excited and can't wait to meet the little guy.  It was a long process on Monday trying to reveal the gender.  My ultrasounds are performed at an ultrasound facility next door to my OB's office.  The technician spent over an hour and a half with me and my tummy (with Billy in the room) trying to check out all of Fryebaby's parts and pieces...which was no easy task.  Turns out we have a modest one who is already anti-paparazzi.  His arms and hands were waving in front of his face the entire time, and his legs were crossed and pulled in tightly.  Little by little, the technician was finally able to see his nose, lips, brain, all four chambers of the heart, his spine, the umbilical cord, and last, but not least, his private region.  All checked-out and he appears to be a healthy little dude.  She estimated that he is 12 ounces and had a healthy heart rate in the 130s.  Here's a photo of his precious little nose and head.

If the photo is not clear enough, or you can't imagine how big a 12 oz. baby is, my BabyBump app says he's the size of a small cantaloupe this week, about 6-1/2 inches long. 

With the news of the baby's gender behind us now, the shopping can officially begin!  Woo hoo!  During the first trimester, I worried that the shopper/designer in me was not ever going to get excited about decorating the nursery or buying all the baby stuff, but it turns out that I just needed to find out if it was a boy or a girl, and as soon as I did, the shopper in me is alive and well again!  Hahaha...don't worry, I won't go too crazy.

Billy and I decided to create a nursery that features vintage Americana with a bit of America's favorite pastime mixed-in (go Red Sox!).  The room will feature a vintage American flag painting with red, white and blue bedding and décor, in the form of plaid, madras, stripes, stars, polka dots, etc.  Billy even mentioned including a "green monster" feature wall...looking for creative ideas, if you have any (and if you don't know what the green monster is...check it out: OR  My hope is to create a room he'll want to become a big boy in!  Check out some super cute finds I have my eye on and send me other ideas or links that you find.

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