Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New Stuff

It's only Tuesday, and yet every minute I've spent with fryebaby this week has been full of new and fun developments.  Monday morning, when I dropped him off at daycare, I put him in this fun exersaucer and he immediately went to town, bouncing up and down like a crazy man and inspecting all the fun gadgets.  It was so much fun to watch him...

Monday night, while feeding him his rice cereal, we captured on film his new obsession with his thumb.  Between every bite, he wanted to suck his thumb.  It was pretty hilarious...

Tuesday at daycare, he got to meet the Easter Bunny (or bunnies, in this case) for the first time.  Mr. & Mrs. Bunny visited the kids and everyone got their photo taken.  Too bad I didn't know they were coming, or I would have dressed him up a little.  Either way, in typical fryebaby fashion, he was as cool as a cucumber and did great with his new oversized furry friends...

And, finally, Tuesday morning he discovered his feet for the first time.  He was laying on our bed and just started grabbing his feet.  He couldn't get enough of them.  I've been waiting for this moment, and was so glad I had my phone handy so I could snap these pics...

I wonder what else he has in store for us this week...

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