Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fun with Daddy

Lil' fryebaby and big frye-daddy enjoyed some quality daddy-son time this past week, as I spent my first night away on business travel.  And, since my mom was able to plan a visit while I was away, the trip was a success and everyone did great at home.

Look at these two...they're best buds...

In other news, check out the new play room on our middle level!  We relocated our bar cabinet and pub table and set-up a play area in it's place.  Thanks to furnishings from my favorite store, Land of Nod, we have a zone for all the fryes to enjoy...

It's still a bit of a work in progress as we wait for a cool bookshelf and a couple floor poufs to arrive.  Besides the super colorful rug, my fave piece is the play table.  It's height adjustable and can grow from it's current 15" height up to 24" height as fryebaby gets older.  And even though it's still too tall for fryebaby now, Billy and I are already putting it to good use...

...enjoying Sunday morning breakfast on the floor.  You can imagine, this is a brave new world for Skylar...babies, toys, and food all at her level :)  Lucky for us, she's doing great and learning to love her new little brother.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New Stuff

It's only Tuesday, and yet every minute I've spent with fryebaby this week has been full of new and fun developments.  Monday morning, when I dropped him off at daycare, I put him in this fun exersaucer and he immediately went to town, bouncing up and down like a crazy man and inspecting all the fun gadgets.  It was so much fun to watch him...

Monday night, while feeding him his rice cereal, we captured on film his new obsession with his thumb.  Between every bite, he wanted to suck his thumb.  It was pretty hilarious...

Tuesday at daycare, he got to meet the Easter Bunny (or bunnies, in this case) for the first time.  Mr. & Mrs. Bunny visited the kids and everyone got their photo taken.  Too bad I didn't know they were coming, or I would have dressed him up a little.  Either way, in typical fryebaby fashion, he was as cool as a cucumber and did great with his new oversized furry friends...

And, finally, Tuesday morning he discovered his feet for the first time.  He was laying on our bed and just started grabbing his feet.  He couldn't get enough of them.  I've been waiting for this moment, and was so glad I had my phone handy so I could snap these pics...

I wonder what else he has in store for us this week...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Well Dressed

I'm obsessed with this little guy's wardrobe.  I love organizing his closet and constantly rotating through his outfits.  I love coming up with new combinations.  My favorite color to dress him in is blue, thanks to those goregeous blue eyes he's still rocking.

Special thanks to all the grandparents and great grandparents who've helped him have a fab wardrobe.  We love all the clothes we've received!  Now we just have to figure out how he can wear an outfit more than once before he grows out of it :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Frye boys

We had a great visit with fryebaby's grandparents, Peggy & Foye, this weekend.  Check out this pic of three generations of Frye boys...

And check out this pic of a fryebaby sporting his "small fry" t-shirt with his newest girlfriend at daycare...

It's good to be a Frye boy, as you can see in this smiley shot...

...especially when GiGi buys you fun toys like this octopus...

And every good Frye boy knows, you gotta love those Frye ladies :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Opening Day

Monday was Opening Day for Major League Baseball, and we made sure fryebaby showed his team spirit at daycare that day.  Check out one of the Red Sox's cutest fans :)

Pedroia, the Destroya!!  Folks at work laughed when they saw this pic, saying fryebaby is almost as big as lil' Dustin Pedroia :)

We also finally pulled the Red Sox baseball cap off his wall in the nursery and let him try it out...

A perfect fit!