Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 29, 2014

First babysitter

We had a date night this past weekend, and employed lil' fryebaby's first babysitter.  She tells us he was a sleepyhead most of the time, and then they snuggled when he finally woke up.  She said she's "in love"...we're so lucky.  Can't wait to get her back over soon for more snuggle time!

We celebrated four months this past Thursday by visiting the pediatrician and finding out fryebaby is no longer able to be called "lil"...weighing in at 18 pounds and measuring 26-1/2 inches long, he's in the 95th percentile for boys his age.  He's wearing 9 months clothes now, and is able to start trying solids, thanks to his beefy stature.  Bring on the rice cereal!

The four month appointment also brought with it more immunizations...which have resulted in some sleepless nights in the Frye household.  Hope all our followers are catching a couple extra winks of sleep in our honor :)

I can't believe he's doubled his weight and grown over an inch a month since being born!!  Crazy...

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