Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 29, 2014

First babysitter

We had a date night this past weekend, and employed lil' fryebaby's first babysitter.  She tells us he was a sleepyhead most of the time, and then they snuggled when he finally woke up.  She said she's "in love"...we're so lucky.  Can't wait to get her back over soon for more snuggle time!

We celebrated four months this past Thursday by visiting the pediatrician and finding out fryebaby is no longer able to be called "lil"...weighing in at 18 pounds and measuring 26-1/2 inches long, he's in the 95th percentile for boys his age.  He's wearing 9 months clothes now, and is able to start trying solids, thanks to his beefy stature.  Bring on the rice cereal!

The four month appointment also brought with it more immunizations...which have resulted in some sleepless nights in the Frye household.  Hope all our followers are catching a couple extra winks of sleep in our honor :)

I can't believe he's doubled his weight and grown over an inch a month since being born!!  Crazy...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Duallie Stroller?

We thought we had a single stroller just for lil' fryebaby, but turns out Skylar's proved us wrong.  This is a duallie!

In an effort to enjoy this beautiful weather today, we took "the kids" for a walk.  When Skylar got tired, we put her in the front of the Bob and she stayed on for the rest of our walk!  So funny!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Picture Day!

It was picture day at daycare on Tuesday.  I didn't think lil' fryebaby would be old enough to get to participate, but turns out he was!  Check out the proofs.  He looks so mature...and in the last photo, I swear he's on the high school football team!  LOL!

Special shout out to Aunt Sandy in Auburn for giving Brody this adorable train outfit :). It was the closest thing we had to "Sunday Best" :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mommy Time

This past weekend's visit to Florida definitely provided some good mommy bonding time with lil' fryebaby, which I appreciated.  It was so fun to take him everywhere I went, and proudly smile as people would stop to look at him or smile.  One person told me "babies are universal", and I couldn't agree more.  Everybody loves a baby...especially one that flirts and smiles as much as this little dude.  Here are a few pics capturing our special time together.

On the plane down to Florida.

In bed our last morning at the hotel.  

In matching green outfits, celebrating St. Patricks Day.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rock Star

Orange sunglasses and...

a biker t-shirt...

Mothers, lock up your daughters :)


Lil' fryebaby and I (along with Mom and Marcus) surprised my Grandma Lou and Fred down in Florida this weekend.  We took our first flight and stayed in our first hotel.  And...hopefully it comes as no surprise...he's been great!  He did awesome on the flight, slept wonderfully at the hotel, and has been in a good mood most of the time.  The heat down here in sunny Florida has been a bit of an adjustment, but nothing we couldn't handle.

Mom and I managed all this on our own at the airport!  :)

First night meeting my great grandparents! 

At the flea market with 
Grandma Jen and Grandpa Marc...that place was wild!

You get to wear short sleeves and shorts when you head south in March!

And cool sun hats!!

And Mommy took me to the Gulf of Mexico...the water was so cold on my toes!!

But, the best part of my trip to Florida was surprising my great Grandma Lou...she said this was the best surprise of her entire life :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

New favorite pic

I captured this moment on my iPhone this morning while getting ready and entertaining the little man in our bed.  This is probably my new favorite pic.  Melt my heart...


We went out to dinner last night with lil' fryebaby and he was wide awake!  Usually he falls asleep in the car on the way and the background noise of the restaurant keeps him snoozing.  But not last night!  He was wide awake and seemed to enjoy himself.  I suppose this could be the beginning of the next phase...where date nights will not be so predictable :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sleeping through the night...almost

LIl' fryebaby has been sleeping through the night recently, going about 8 hours before he wakes up.  Not 100%, and not on the same schedule every night, but enough that we're all getting a little more beauty rest these days.  I've realized, at least with this little guy, sleeping through the night has nothing to do with how much sleep he gets during the day, but rather how much food he gets.  As his tummy has grown, he's able to eat more during the day and stay full through the night (no midnight refills necessary!).  It amazes me when he takes a nap from 7-9 every night, wakes up for meal and is back down at 9:30, and able to sleep through the night.  I thought the excessive daytime sleeping would make him restless at night, but that's not the case.  Makes for easy and productive evenings at home after work...but not much quality time in the evenings.  Guess this just adds to the allure of the weekend!

All this sleeping and eating has lil' fryebaby tipping the scales at about 15 1/2 pounds.  I have no idea how this compares, but he seems healthy to us :). Check out the latest pics and you be the judge...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Key Lime Cupcake?

First, let's just take a moment and note that lil' fryebaby is so good that I had time (and energy) to make key lime cupcakes this morning, while home on a snow day.  Wow :)

And second, which key lime cupcake would you want to eat up?!?