Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Now that I'm back at work, everyone asks "How's the baby?" and I answer every time..."Amazing".  He really is.  We are so blessed.  And for all the parents reading this, don't worry, I know it could change any we just take it one day at a time and enjoy him for what he is today :)  Knowing full well that he could turn on us at any time!! LOL

Here's a video I've been trying to capture for a couple weeks of Brody in his crib "talking" after his morning feeding, while I'm getting ready for work.  This is his morning routine...chatting to himself for half an hour while Mom showers, does her hair, puts on make-up, gets I said...Amazing.

And if having a wonderful temperament weren't enough...his good looks are just the cherry on top.  Proud mama right here :)

Check him out in his first pair of overalls...

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I'm going to have to go shopping for overalls now; those look comfy and Brody appears to be trying to give me the "High 5" on them!
