Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day!!

Like most everyone who reads this blog, we had a snow day today.  Daycare was closed and we stayed home from work to "dig out".  

First, we slept in a bit and woke up to sweet sounds of Brody laughing and smiling to himself.  He probably would have been just fine on his own for a while, but I couldn't stand hearing all his cooing and not going to the nursery to join in on the good time he was having.

Then, after breakfast, Daddy headed outside to start shoveling, and it was Brody this time who wanted to join in on the fun.

After 5 minutes in the cold, we de-snow-suited and went inside to have some fun in the play room. 

All that before noon!  Happy Snow Day to all!!

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