Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, February 27, 2014


This blog is especially for the grandparents...just sharing a couple recent cute pics.  

First time wearing blue jeans!  

He'll be three months old this week...crazy!  My goals for the upcoming month are to play with him more.  Get on the floor, more tummy time, work on sitting, read more books, etc.  It's hard to find time in our short day to just "play", but I'm excited to try.  Stay tuned for pics and videos to document our progress (and not just how cute he is ;-)


Now that I'm back at work, everyone asks "How's the baby?" and I answer every time..."Amazing".  He really is.  We are so blessed.  And for all the parents reading this, don't worry, I know it could change any we just take it one day at a time and enjoy him for what he is today :)  Knowing full well that he could turn on us at any time!! LOL

Here's a video I've been trying to capture for a couple weeks of Brody in his crib "talking" after his morning feeding, while I'm getting ready for work.  This is his morning routine...chatting to himself for half an hour while Mom showers, does her hair, puts on make-up, gets I said...Amazing.

And if having a wonderful temperament weren't enough...his good looks are just the cherry on top.  Proud mama right here :)

Check him out in his first pair of overalls...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Play time

We visited our friends in Maryland today, where our three favorite sisters live.  It was their first time meeting lil' fryebaby.  Check him out in their play room :)'s a shout out to my favorite gym "sisters" in Merrifield, who gave lil' fryebaby the t-shirt he's sporting today.  So perfect for this chubby bub :)

Hilarious...and even funnier is the bib he was wearing that reads "I still live with my parents".  Love this kid!

High Chair

We've officially tried out the super fancy high chair our friends passed down to us.  Looking good!!  

Just one question from lil' fryebaby...where's the food?!?  The little pig doll he's holding is not quite the bacon he's craving :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Alphabet Soup

B is for Brother Brody
S is for Sister Skylar
G is for Girlfriend!!  

Brody and his "girlfriend" at daycare today.

And if you think this is Brody's first fling, don't be fooled by this ladies man...

Brody with my friend's little girl...playing footsie!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Daddy Time

Daddy's got to spend lots of quality time with lil' fryebaby this weekend, as I have been battling a cold these past couple of days.  

And this morning in bed...

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Brody, a.k.a. Lady's Man, got Valentine's Day gifts for his teachers at daycare.  Check 'em out:

Burt's Bees lotion, chocolates, and a love note :). 

Mommy and Daddy got Brody some chocolates, too...too bad he won't be able to enjoy them.

(Brody's true love is baseball, of course!)

Check out what he made his Mommy and Daddy at "school" today...melt your heart :)

But in case all this lovey-dovey mushy-gushy stuff made you think Brody is all smiles...don't be fooled.  He takes hugs very seriously as shown here with his latest read.  And don't you forget it!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day!!

Like most everyone who reads this blog, we had a snow day today.  Daycare was closed and we stayed home from work to "dig out".  

First, we slept in a bit and woke up to sweet sounds of Brody laughing and smiling to himself.  He probably would have been just fine on his own for a while, but I couldn't stand hearing all his cooing and not going to the nursery to join in on the good time he was having.

Then, after breakfast, Daddy headed outside to start shoveling, and it was Brody this time who wanted to join in on the fun.

After 5 minutes in the cold, we de-snow-suited and went inside to have some fun in the play room. 

All that before noon!  Happy Snow Day to all!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekend Pics

Not too much going on here, but wanted to post a couple pics.  Most of my Brody updates can't be expressed in photos these days.  It's the small moments and little things he does that can't be captured on my iPhone camera.  Lots of giggling, talking, and cool motor skill developments, like grabbing things.  It's the minutes and hours of sustained happiness, and his ability to self soothe and be perfectly fine all my himself that amazes me.

Oh, and did I mention that he slept through the night Sunday night?!?  8 hours!  We were up at 4 am last night, but no worries, I know we'll get back there soon enough :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Before daycare this morning, Brody and I took some selfies :). We were doing a morning routine "dry run" and it went so well that we had extra time leftover just to hang out, chat, and take selfies!  Lol

Why does Brody look like he's in a gang?  LOL!  And if you hadn't noticed, Mommy got a new hair do in preparation to go back to work.  I feel new and refreshed and ready to go!  Plus, the shorter do is much quicker to style, making the morning routine that much easier.

Brody took this selfie and asked me to post.  What a ham!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tummy Time!

We have been doing lots of tummy time with Brody these last few weeks and are excited to see him start to roll to one side and pick his head up almost 90-degrees.  I created a "crib cam" and took this video of one of our tummy times over the weekend.  He never rolled over for me, but it's still fun to see him checking himself out in the iPhone.  Poor little guy gets the hiccups all the time :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday!

We love our new mobile!! :). Who needs a Super Bowl half time show when you have this in your crib?!?  Talk about entertainment!  And in case you were intrigued by his football's some more photos of daddy and son, ready for the Super Bowl.  Watch out Eli, Peyton, Tom, Aaron, and Phillip...future all star NFL QB in-the-making!!!

Billy is sporting a Seahawks t-shirt in support of one of his favorite past VT players, Kam Chancellor.  Go Seahawks!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Best lunch date ever

We're at Ford's Fish Shack in Ashburn...dining with the best date in town :). He's the best!!!!  I could eat him up for dessert (but will order their wonderful banana pudding instead ;-).