Good morning! Billy and I would like to say hello from Rhode Island. After boarding a train at 10:10PM last night at Union Station, we've made it this far 8 hours later. We are on our way to Boston for our annual trip to see the Red Sox. We decided to mix it up this time and, in an effort to save a few bucks (actually, quite a few bucks) we took the night train in lieu of flying. So far, the seats are extremely comfortable & roomy, the ability to walk up and down the aisles and break out a few yoga moves has been nice, and having power outlets and free WiFi is a definite plus. If only this weren't a 10 hour ride that ends with us starting our morning in Boston with a full day ahead of us :)
We were both able to catch a brief amount of shut eye. First I tried sleeping sitting up-right, then I moved to the seat across from ours and wedged my 5'10" 22-week pregnant self into a horizontal position on my right side, then moved to the seat in front of ours and performed the same contortions on my left side, and finally am back in my assigned seat next to Billy. It's been 12 hours since we ate dinner, and I'm pretty hungry. I brought trail mix and candy for the ride, but that's not what you really want to eat at 6AM. Luckily, once we arrive in Boston at 8AM, we will drop our bags at the hotel and promptly head to a great breakfast spot - Paramount in Beacon HIll. French toast and real maple syrup - here I come! Fingers crossed that the hotel will allow us to check in early...meaning a shower could be in my near future!
We're headed to Fenway Park this afternoon to do a little shopping at the Yawkey Way Store (best Red Sox fan shop on the planet) and then see the Red Sox take on the Arizona Diamondbacks for some inter-league play. Billy updated me in the middle of the night that during last night's game, the Red Sox came back from being down 2-7 to the Seattle Mariners to score 6 runs in the bottom of the 9th inning and win 8-7. I hope this game will be just as exciting!!
In other news, I'm pretty sure I'm feeling lil' fryebaby move these days. As any other moms reading this know, it's an un-usual experience at first and hard to recognize. But now that I'm figuring out what I'm feeling, it's very exciting. I announce any movements to Billy, but I think it makes Billy very nervous to press on my belly and feel the little guy's movement. He's afraid he's going to hurt the baby by pressing too hard. I know that won't happen, but I did catch myself being nervous that I was squishing the little man last night as I contorted myself into my sleeping positions. Sorry about that!
We're almost to 23 weeks, at which point the baby will be approximately the size of a large mango and nearly a foot long (btw - have you ever seen a foot long mango? not me!). Or, according to my other app, the baby will be the size of a grapefruit, and 10-12" long (again - foot long grapefruit!?!?). Either way, he's getting big!
Outside of my abbreviated attempts at sleeping, I've been enjoying the Kindle app on my iPad, reading a new book. Special thanks to my best friend Joanna for finding a great book recommendation for me...I told her I wanted to find a book that focused on working moms and the challenges that surround breast pumping and being away from your baby during the critical first year when you're trying to establish healthy sleep habits, good eating habits, etc. It occurred to me while registering for baby gear last weekend that I really know nothing about breast pumps and needed to learn more. She came through with flying colors when she recommended "The Milk Memos", a book compiled by breastpumping moms who worked at IBM and found support and companionship with each other through the communal "lactation room". It's been a great / easy read so far and has helped me wrap my head around what it means to breast pump at work.
Signing off as the train pulls into Providence, RI. Only an hour to go! I can't believe we're doing this entire train trip again in less than 48 hours. I'm telling myself to embrace the fact that we still "can" travel this way and to remember that such budget-friendly options may not be available to us once lil' fryebaby is not quietly inside me, but instead is a hungry, needy, and potentially cranky little guy. Here's to embracing one last college-like adult-only trip.
P.S. My favorite aspect of the train ride so far has been enjoying my un-ending patience with little kids crying and whining on the train. There were a couple of rough patches during the night, but it didn't bother me a bit. I smiled, knowing my days of consoling an inconsolable child are growing nearer :) Let the patience abound!
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