Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Growing Baby Bump

For our 23 week baby bump photo, Billy and I decided to forego my "same outfit" rule and share this photo.  As my mother-in-law, Peggy, reminded us, lil' fryebaby may not have had a good view of the game, but he sure did get to hear all the cheers and excitement.  And, I bet he enjoyed his first "fried dough" from Fenway Park...I sure did!

(our seats were in the Coca-Cola Pavilion overlooking the Green Monster and left field)

(pic of fried dough, in case you were curious...similar to elephant ear or funnel cake)

Week 24:

In other news, Billy and I are started child birthing classes this afternoon.  The course is 12 weeks, 2 hours per weekend, and covers prenatal nutrition / exercise, child birth, and postpartum info.  The intent of the class is to help educate and enable Billy and I to have the baby naturally, without pain medication.  We know we won't have any control come delivery day, but decided it was worth the investment to learn as much as possible about having a natural birth and try to give it a go!

The crib and dresser were delivered yesterday, meaning we're one step closer to starting to work on decorating the nursery.  We will probably choose a weekend soon to paint the nursery and then we can get going with building the crib, hanging artwork and getting it ready for lil' fryebaby.

It's still very exciting to feel the baby move around and not too painful yet.  Sleeping has become a little more challenging, as my preference is to sleep on my back, but all my books tell me I must sleep on my side.  I keep checking out the "snoogle" pillow online (, but am holding off for now.  I'm sure I'll break down at some point and buy it, welcoming yet another "something" to our bed...currently, it's Billy, me and the baby, and our dog, Skylar...who says we don't have room for a snoogle, too?!?


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