Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, January 31, 2014

Football Jersey Day at Daycare

In celebration of Super Bowl weekend, Brody's daycare designated today "Football Jersey Day".  Since Brody is still heartbroken over the Patriots loss and the fact his parents haven't bought him a Tom Brady jersey, he decided to wear his football outfit instead :)  No Seahawks or Broncos jerseys for this little guy.

OMG!  So cute!  These are 3-6 months clothes, btw.  Wow...what a bruiser!

Don't you just want to give that little bum a slap?!?  ...or a kiss!

One of my favorite times with Brody is in the morning after his first feeding.  We snuggle in bed, pick out an outfit for the day, and eventually make our way downstairs so I can eat some breakfast.  Check out this adorable pic from this morning while we were hanging out...

How did we create something so darn cute?!?  
When I picked up Brody from daycare on Day 2, I had a "moment".  I'd been away from him for 8 hours and I was having a hard time believing that this beautiful boy was my son.  It was the first time I'd been away from him for that long, and it was as though he'd become a whole new more perfect version of himself while I was gone.  I guess this is how Billy feels every day when he gets home from work to see him (though for him, it's usually been 20 hours since he's last seen him, since Brody is still asleep when Billy leaves for work...whoa!).  Brody has been in wonderful spirits both days when I picked him up, making it that much easier to drop him off the next morning.

I can't wait to see how scrumptious he is later today when I go pick him up!!  Yay for the weekend!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reporting Live, Day 2

Good morning!  We're headed back to daycare later this morning after a successful first day for both Mommy and Brody. Based on the report I received from the caregivers, Brody ate like a champ, slept lots, and got cuddle time with all the ladies.  Brody is the youngest in his class...he's 2 months, the next youngest is a 3-month girl, and the next youngest is already 7 months old!  I guess this means he'll be getting lots of love and attention until more new babies show up :)

Reporting live, Brody allowed me to interview him this morning to discuss his thoughts about returning to daycare for a second day:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Last day home with Mommy

Yesterday was my last day at home with Brody before he starts at daycare.  To make the day extra memorable, we went to "Baby Day" at Alamo Drafthouse, which I've decided is the best perk of being a new mom :). Check it out:

We also took some time to read a bit.  My Uncle Greg gave us all the childhood books I'd previously handed down to my younger cousins for me to share with Brody.  So special...especially all the dedications, scribbles, and torn up and taped back pages. 

Looking forward to so many more story times to come!

First day at daycare

Off to daycare today!  All dressed and ready to go!

I dropped Brody off at daycare mid-morning and he was still asleep in his carseat.  It made it a little easier to leave him since he was peacefully sleeping.  By the time I got home, I logged on to the webcam and saw  he'd woken up and was taking his bottle.  They assigned him the "front and center" crib, which means I have a great view of him from the webcam when he is in his crib.  Happy web-watching!

Planned lots of errands for myself today and then will pick him up mid-afternoon.  I'm already so excited for our reunion!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bath time & cute high tops

Brody wanted me to post these pics and his comments below:

Check out how cute (and modest) I am for bath time!  I love bath time these days.  

One of mommy's friends gave me these awesome "high top" socks.  Mommy figured out if we tuck my pants into my socks, the socks don't slip off so easily :). 

Thanks, Mommy, for keeping me warm and clean ;)

Monday, January 27, 2014

We're back!

Hello!!  In celebration of lil' Fryebaby turning two months old today, I thought I'd post a few favorite pics of the little guy.  I'm excited to start posting again to keep all our followers up to date!  I know there will be lots of exciting firsts to document and want you to see it all!  Stay tuned...

He's changed so much!  And he keeps getting bigger and longer every day! Pediatrician reported he's in the 75th percentile for height and weight, measuring 24" and weighing in at 12 lbs 11 ounces at his 2-month appointment.