Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's been a week of little talking here in the Frye household.  When you're a Red Sox fan, you tend to be a little superstitious...which means a lot of emotions and excitement went un-spoken this week.  Billy wore his Boston Red Sox tie to work; I decided that since I didn't update the scoreboard in the nursery after Game 1, then I shouldn't touch the scoreboard the rest of the series.  We watched inning after inning and would give each other looks...but said very little.  Didn't want to jinx any of it!

Well, the silence has been lifted and the celebrations have begun.  And I can finally say out loud that I know my baby's Red Sox room had something to do with all that glory.  It can't be a coincidence that we build a shrine to the team and they win the World Series the same year...can it?!?!


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