Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sleeping through the night...almost

LIl' fryebaby has been sleeping through the night recently, going about 8 hours before he wakes up.  Not 100%, and not on the same schedule every night, but enough that we're all getting a little more beauty rest these days.  I've realized, at least with this little guy, sleeping through the night has nothing to do with how much sleep he gets during the day, but rather how much food he gets.  As his tummy has grown, he's able to eat more during the day and stay full through the night (no midnight refills necessary!).  It amazes me when he takes a nap from 7-9 every night, wakes up for meal and is back down at 9:30, and able to sleep through the night.  I thought the excessive daytime sleeping would make him restless at night, but that's not the case.  Makes for easy and productive evenings at home after work...but not much quality time in the evenings.  Guess this just adds to the allure of the weekend!

All this sleeping and eating has lil' fryebaby tipping the scales at about 15 1/2 pounds.  I have no idea how this compares, but he seems healthy to us :). Check out the latest pics and you be the judge...

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