Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

It's been a nice long weekend.  We went to the pool, enjoyed a couple meals out, got away for a movie thanks to our wonderful babysitter, and relaxed.  Here's a few pics from the weekend :)

He did eventually get out of the car seat...but I didn't get any photos of him in the water...just glad he made it in and out safely :)

One minute, he's chilling on the sofa...

And then he was out for nearly two hours...

He LOVES his thumb!  

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

First Mother's Day

Lil' man has made this a wonderful first Mother's Day!  We traveled down to NC to spend the weekend with my mom and stepdad at their lake house.  We had a great trip down and back (first road trip!) and a great time at the lake.

My view of lil fryebaby from the front seat (love this mirror) precious.

Check out the muscles!  

Bro-bro showing me the card he gave me for Mother's Day...I cried!

Snuggle buddy!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


A friend from work bought this hat for cute!